The breeding of snails takes place in nets of an acre (20x50m) with the intence method (closed type breeding) and includes the stage of reproduction and the fattening stage . The area of breeding is organized in special designed apartments, the parterres. The reproduction takes place in separate parterres from the fattening and the management of broodstock(new born snails) differs from those of snails of fattening.
To what conserns the part of production the quality of gennitores plays an important role. We begin with the selection of the proper snails that will be used as gennitores and continuously we place them at the parterres of reproduction. The procedure of fattening is organized in groups of parterres that hospitalise snails at the same age. The water demands of snails are secured with watering in of hydromisting through hydraulic system which works with automation. The nutrition of snails becomes with a mix, which consisted from corn , barley , wheat , bran and minerals. There is no use of antibiotics and preservatives. Our snails reach the merchantable size at about 120 days.